MESH AP Psychology Blog

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Test date: MAY 12, 2009 12PM

No shows for the test will not only be charged $13, but will be marked down for their PARTICIPATION grade SIGNIFICANTLY. Don't is still possible for me to change your grades from the PREVIOUS 9 WEEKS.

Look over your PowerPoints, review your Barron's study guide, and eat breakfast.

For more review visit PsychSim

Friday, April 17, 2009

Assignment: April 17, 2009





1. The technique in which a person is asked to report everything that comes to his or her mind is called _________ _________; this technique is favored by _________ therapists.

a. active listening; cognitive
b. spontaneous remission; humanistic
c. free association; psychoanalytic
d. systematic desensitization; behavior

2. Of the following categories of psychotherapy, which is known for its nondirective nature?

a. psychoanalysis c. behavior therapy
b. humanistic therapy d. cognitive therapy

3. Which of the following is not a common criticism of psychoanalysis?

a. It emphasizes awareness of past feelings
b. It provides interpretations that are hard to disprove
c. It is generally a very expensive process
d. It gives therapists too much control over patients

4. Which of the following types of therapy does not belong with the others?

a. cognitive therapy c. self-help group
b. family therapy d. support group

5. Which of the following is not necessarily an advantage of group therapies over individual

a. They tend to take less time for the therapist
b. They tend to cost less money for the client
c. They are more effective
d. They allow the client to test new behaviors in a social context

6. An eclectic psychotherapist is one who:

a. takes a nondirective approach in helping clients solve their problems
b. views psychological disorders as usually stemming from one cause, such as a biological
c. uses one particular technique, such as psychoanalysis or counterconditioning, in treating
d. uses a variety of techniques, depending on the client and the problem

7. The technique in which a therapist echoes and restates what a person says in a nondirective
manner is called:

a. active listening c. systematic desensitization
b. free association d. interpretation
8. Unlike traditional psychoanalytic therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy:

a. helps people gain insight into the roots of their problems.
b. offers interpretations of patients’ feelings
c. focuses on current relationships
d. does all of the above

9. The technique of systematic desensitization is based on the premise that maladaptive symptoms

a. a reflection of irrational thinking
b. conditioned responses
c. expressions of unfulfilled wishes
d. all of the above

10. The operant conditioning technique in which desired behaviors are rewarded with points or
poker chips that can later be exchanged for various rewards is called:

a. counterconditioning c. a token economy
b. systematic desensitization d. exposure therapy

11. One variety of therapy is based on the finding that depressed people often
attribute their failures to .

a. humanistic; themselves c. cognitive; external circumstances
b. behavior; external circumstances d. cognitive; themselves

12. Carl Rogers was a therapist who was the creator of .

a. behavior; systematic desensitization
b. psychoanalytic; insight therapy
c. humanistic; client-centered therapy
d. cognitive; cognitive therapy for depression

13. Using techniques of classical conditioning to develop an association between unwanted
behavior and an unpleasant experience is known as:

a. aversive conditioning
b. systematic desensitization
c. transference
d. a token economy

14. Which type of psychotherapy emphasizes the individual’s inherent potential for self-

a. behavior therapy c. humanistic therapy
b. psychoanalysis d. cognitive therapy

15. Which type of psychotherapy focuses on changing unwanted behaviors rather than on
discovering their underlying causes?

a. behavior therapy c. humanistic therapy
b. cognitive therapy d. psychoanalysis

16. The techniques of counterconditioning are based on principles of:

a. observational learning c. operant conditioning
b. classical conditioning d. behavior modification

17. In which of the following does the client learn to associate a relaxed state with a hierarchy of
anxiety-arousing situations?

a. cognitive therapy c. counterconditioning
b. aversive conditioning d. systematic desensitization

18. Principles of operant conditioning underlie which of the following techniques?

a. counterconditioning d. aversive conditioning
b. systematic desensitization e. the token economy
c. flooding

19. Which of the following is not a common criticism of behavior therapy?

a. Clients may not develop intrinsic motivation for their new behaviors
b. Behavior control is unethical
c. Although one symptom may be eliminated, another may replace it unless the
underlying problem is treated
d. All of the above are criticism of behavior therapy

20. Which type of therapy focuses on eliminating irrational thinking?

a. family therapy c. cognitive therapy
b. client-centered therapy d. behavior therapy

21. Which form of therapy is most likely to be successful in treating depression?

a. behavior therapy c. cognitive therapy
b. psychoanalysis d. humanistic therapy

22. Family therapy differs from other forms of psychotherapy because it focuses on:

a. using a variety of treatment techniques
b. conscious rather than unconscious processes
c. the present instead of the past
d. how family tensions may cause individual problems

23. One reason that aversive conditioning may only be temporarily effective is that:

a. for ethical reasons, therapists cannot use sufficiently intense unconditioned stimuli to
sustain classical conditioning
b. patients are often unable to become sufficiently relaxed for conditioning to take place
c. patients know that outside the therapist’s office they can engage in the undesirable
behavior without fear of aversive consequences.
d. most conditioned responses are elicited by many nonspecific stimuli and it is impossible
to countercondition them all

24. Cognitive-behavior therapy aims to:

a. alter the way people act
b. make people more aware of their irrational negative thinking
c. alter the way people think and act
d. countercondition anxiety-provoking stimuli

25. During a session with his psychoanalyst, Jamal hesitates while describing a highly embarrassing thought. In the psychoanalytic framework, this is an example of:

a. transference c. mental repression
b. insight d. resistance

26. During psychoanalysis, Jane has developed strong feelings of hatred for her therapist. The
analyst interprets Jane’s behavior in terms of a of her feelings toward her father.

a. projection c. regression
b. resistance d. transference

27. Given that Jim’s therapist attempts to help him by offering genuineness, acceptance, and
empathy, she is probably practicing:

a. psychoanalysis c. cognitive therapy
b. behavior therapy d. client-centered therapy

28. To help Sam quit smoking, his therapist blew a ballast of smoke into Sam’s face each time Sam
inhaled. Which technique is the therapist using?

a. exposure therapy c. systematic desensitization
b. behavior modification d. aversive conditioning

29. After Darnel dropped a pass in an important football game, he became depressed and vowed to
quit the team because of his athletic incompetence. The campus psychologist challenged his
illogical reasoning and pointed out that Darnel’s “incompetence” had earned him an athletic
scholarship. The psychologist’s response was most typical of a therapist.

a. behavior c. client-centered
b. psychoanalytic d. cognitive

30. Leota is startled when her therapist says that she needs to focus on eliminating her problem
behavior rather than gaining insight into its underlying cause. Most likely, Leota has consulted
a therapist.

a. behavior c. cognitive
b. humanistic d. psychoanalytic

31. In order to help him overcome his fear of flying, Duane’s therapist has him construct a
hierarchy of anxiety-triggering stimuli and then learn to associate each with a state of deep
relaxation. Duane’s therapist is using the technique called:

a. systematic desensitization c. shaping
b. aversive conditioning d. free association

32. A patient in a hospital receives poker chips for making her bed, being punctual at meal times,
and maintaining her physical appearance. The poker chips can be exchanged for privileges,
such as television viewing, snacks, and magazines. This is an example of the
therapy technique called .

a. psychodynamic; systematic desensitization
b. behavior; token economy
c. cognitive; token economy
d. humanistic; systematic desensitization

33. Ben is a cognitive-behavior therapist. Compared to Rachel, who is a behavior therapist, Ben is
more likely to:

a. base his therapy on principles of operant conditioning
b. base his therapy on principles of classical conditioning
c. address clients’ attitudes as well as behaviors
d. focus on clients’ unconscious urges

34. Which type(s) of psychotherapy would be most likely to use the interpretation of dreams as a
technique for bringing unconscious feelings into awareness?

a. psychoanalysis d. all of the above
b. psychodynamic therapy e. both a and b
c. cognitive therapy

35. Of the following therapists, who would be most likely to interpret a person’s psychological
problems in terms of repressed impulses?

a. a behavior therapist c. a humanistic therapist
b. a cognitive therapist d. a psychoanalyst

Monday, March 30, 2009

Stress Essay & Personality Exercise

Complete the assignment below, then read the summary of objectives listed in the next post titled Personality Notes.

Complete the following free response essay:

Describe how stress increases the risk of disease by inhibiting the activities of the body’s immune system. Your answer should include: B and T lymphocytes, macrophage, epinephrine and norepinephrine, and the fight-or-flight response.



Take a test at Personality Online at Unlike most other sites, it distinguishes between serious tests such as the Kiersey Temperament Sorter and entertaining-fun tests such as the Love-Type Test and the Colour Test.

You can also test at Personality Tests at It provides dozens of links to interactive tests measuring such constructs as self-esteem, lifestyle, and assertiveness.


Does it provide an accurate assessment of some aspect of their personality? More important, is there any evidence of the inventory’s validity or reliability? Are norms provided and, if so, on whom are they based? Was the test empirically derived?

Personality Notes

Read the following:

Identify Freud’s psychosexual stages of development, and describe the effects of fixation on behavior.

Freud maintained that children pass through a series of psychosexual stages during which the id’s pleasure-seeking energies focus on distinct pleasure-sensitive areas of the body called erogenous zones.
• oral stage (0–18 months), pleasure centers on the mouth
• anal stage (18–36 months) on bowel/bladder elimination.
• phallic stage (3–6 years), pleasure centers on the genitals.
Boys experience the Oedipus complex, with unconscious sexual desires toward their mother and hatred of their father. They cope with these threatening feelings through identification with their father, thereby incorporating many of his values and developing a sense of gender identity.
• latency stage (6 years to puberty), in which sexuality is dormant (repression of desires)
• genital stage (puberty on) as youths begin to experience sexual feelings toward others.
maladaptive adult behavior results from conflicts unresolved during the oral, anal, and phallic stages. At any point, conflict can lock, or fixate, the person’s pleasure-seeking energies in that stage.

Describe the function of defense mechanisms, and identify six of them.
Defense mechanisms reduce or redirect anxiety in various ways, but always by distorting reality.
o Repression, which underlies the other defense mechanisms, banishes anxiety-arousing thoughts from consciousness;
o regression involves retreat to an earlier, more infantile stage of development;
o reaction formation makes unacceptable impulses look like their opposites.
o Projection attributes threatening impulses to others
o rationalization offers self-justifying explanations for behavior
o displacement diverts impulses to a more acceptable object.

Contrast the views of the neo-Freudians and psychodynamic theorists with Freud’s original theory.

The neo-Freudians accepted Freud’s basic ideas regarding personality structures, the importance of the unconscious, the shaping of personality in children, and the dynamics of anxiety and defense mechanisms.
However, in contrast to Freud, the neo-Freudians generally placed more emphasis on the conscious mind in interpreting experience and coping with the environment, and they argued that we have more positive motives than sex and aggression.
Unlike other neo-Freudians, Carl Jung agreed with Freud that the unconscious exerts a powerful influence. In addition, he suggested that the collective unconscious is a shared, inherited reservoir of memory traces from our species’ history. Contemporary psychodynamic theorists and therapists reject the notion that sex is the basis of personality but agree with Freud that much of our mental life is unconscious, that we struggle with inner conflicts, and that childhood shapes our personalities and attachment styles.

Describe two projective tests used to assess personality, and discuss some criticisms of them.

Projective tests provide ambiguous stimuli that are designed to trigger projection of one’s inner dynamics.
o Thematic Apperception Test, people view ambiguous pictures and then make up stories about them. Presumably their accounts reflect their interests and inner feelings.
o The Rorschach Inkblot Test seeks to identify people’s inner feelings and conflicts by analyzing their interpretations of 10 inkblots. Critics question the validity and reliability of the tests. Nonetheless many clinicians continue to use them.

Summarize psychology’s current assessment of Freud’s theory of psychoanalysis.

Critics contend that many of Freud’s specific ideas are implausible, unvalidated, or contradicted by new research, and that his theory offers only after-the-fact explanations. Recent findings question the overriding importance of childhood experiences, the degree of parental influence, the timing of gender-identity formation, the significance of childhood sexuality, and the existence of hidden content in dreams. Many researchers now believe that repression rarely, if ever, occurs. Nevertheless, Freud drew psychology’s attention to the unconscious and to our struggle to cope with anxiety and sexuality. Indeed, studies testing terror-management theory show that thinking about one’s mortality provokes enough anxiety to intensify prejudices. Freud also focused attention on the conflict between biological impulses and social restraints. Unquestionably, his cultural impact has been enormous.
The Humanistic Perspective

Summarize Abraham Maslow’s concept of self-actualization, and explain how his ideas illustrate the humanistic perspective.
According to Maslow, self-actualization is the motivation to fulfill one’s potential. It is the ultimate psychological need that arises after basic physical and psychological needs are met and self-esteem is achieved.

11. Discuss Carl Rogers’ person-centered perspective, and explain the importance of unconditional positive regard.

Carl Rogers agreed with Maslow that people are basically good and are endowed with self-actualizing tendencies. To nurture growth in others, Rogers advised being genuine, empathic, and accepting (offering unconditional positive regard). In such a climate, people can develop a deeper self-awareness and a more realistic and positive self-concept.

Explain how humanistic psychologists assessed personality.

Humanistic psychologists assessed personality through questionnaires on which people report their self-concept (who am I?). One questionnaire asked people to compare their actual self with their ideal self. Other humanistic psychologists maintained that we can only understand each person’s unique experience through interviews and intimate conversations.

State the major criticisms of the humanistic perspective on personality.
First, critics complain that the perspective’s concepts are vague and subjective. For example, the description of self-actualizing people seems more a reflection of Maslow’s personal values than a scientific description. Second, the individualism promoted by humanistic psychology may promote self-indulgence, selfishness, and an erosion of moral restraints. Third, humanistic psychology fails to appreciate the reality of our human capacity for evil. Its naive optimism may lead to apathy about major social problems.

The Trait Perspective

Cite the main difference between the trait and psychoanalytic perspectives on personality.
o trait theorists attempt to describe personality in terms of stable and enduring behavior patterns, or dispositions to feel and act.
o Some theorists use dominant traits and their associated characteristics to describe personality “types.”

Describe some of the ways psychologists have attempted to compile a list of basic personality traits.
One way has been to suggest traits, such as anxiety, that some theory regards as basic. A newer technique is factor analysis, a statistical procedure that identifies clusters of behaviors that tend to appear together. For example, through factor analysis, Hans and Sybil Eysenck reduced normal variations to two or three genetically influenced dimensions, including extraversion–introversion and emotional stability–instability. Brain activity scans suggest that extraverts and introverts differ in their level of arousal, with extraverts seeking stimulation because their normal brain arousal level is relatively low. Jerome Kagan maintains that heredity, by influencing autonomic nervous system arousal, also affects our temperament and behavioral style, which help define our

Explain how psychologists use personality inventories to assess traits, and discuss the most widely used of these inventories.
Psychologists assess several traits at once by administering personality inventories on which people respond to items designed to measure a wide range of feelings and behaviors.
o The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is the most widely used personality inventory. Originally developed to identify emotional disorders, this test is now used for many other screening purposes. The MMPI items were empirically derived—that is, from a large pool of items, the test developers selected those on which particular diagnostic groups differed. The objective scoring of the test does not guarantee its validity. For example, those taking the MMPI for employment screening may give socially desirable responses that create a good impression.

Identify the Big Five personality factors, and discuss some of the strengths of this approach to studying personality.
Researchers have isolated five distinct personality dimensions, dubbed the Big Five: emotional stability, extraversion, openness, agreeableness, and conscientiousness. These traits appear to be stable in adulthood, largely heritable, common to all cultures, and good predictors of other personal attributes. Locating an individual on these five dimensions provides a comprehensive picture of personality.

Summarize the person-situation controversy, and explain its importance as a commentary on the trait perspective.
Although people’s traits seem to persist over time, critics of the trait perspective note that human behavior varies widely from situation to situation. Thus, traits are not good predictors of behavior. For example, being conscientious on one occasion is only modestly related to being conscientious on another occasion. Defenders of the trait perspective note that, despite these variations, a person’s average behavior across different situations is fairly consistent. We do have distinct personality traits. Moreover, research suggests that our traits are socially significant; they influence our health, our thinking, and our job performance.

Explain why psychologists are interested in the consistency of the trait of expressiveness.
In informal social situations, our expressive styles—our animation, manner of speaking, and gestures—are impressively consistent. Moreover, we can judge individual differences in expressiveness in a matter of seconds. Thus, we may form lasting impressions within a few moments of meeting someone. Research suggests people have little voluntary control over their expressiveness.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Assignment: March 19, 2009

If you failed to complete the critical thinking questions from Tuesday do so now. I will collect on Monday.


Think about a time you faced a stressful event. How did you appraise the stress, and how did you respond? Give specific examples from YOUR experience, relating it to the psychological perspective of stress (i.e. psychopsysiological effects, 5 stages of stress, etc.). Use your POWERPOINT (STRESS) to assist you. If you did not pick up your POWERPOINT last class, it is on the desk and needs to be stapled.

When you are done:

Go to PsychSim (the link is at the bottom) and complete the activity "All Stressed Out."

This will be collected on Monday...remember grades close on Thursday, and that "C" many of you received for progress reports was out of pity. I love you all. Goodbye.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Endorphins & Stress

Below is the information regarding today's assignment. Please complete on a separate sheet of paper. Also, review your PowerPoint for Stress & Health. This PowerPoint came from the textbook as opposed to being my creation.

When you are done with the critical thinking activity follow the link to some interactive activities that help you review previously covered material. These links lead to BBC. Please list the results of your surveys/activities on the separate sheet of paper.

As you may recall from earlier in the text, endorphins [short for endogenous (produced from within) morphine] are natural opiate-like neurotransmitters that the body releases in response to pain and vigorous exercise (for a quick refresher visit: Researchers have recently found that endorphin levels vary with how stressful a situation is perceived to be. In one study, well-trained long-distance runners were asked to work out two times on a motorized treadmill, once with and once without taped music being played. The speed and elevation of the treadmill was controlled so that for each athlete the physical exertion required in the two conditions was the same. All the athletes reported that the workout seemed less strenuous when they were listening to music. Physiologically, their bodies corroborated this perception. Endorphin levels were significantly lower in the music condition than in the no-music condition.

1. What do the results of this study demonstrate regarding the importance of cognitive appraisal in determining the physiological response to a stressful situation?

2. In what practical ways could the findings of this study be applied to other stressful situations?

3. What are some of the general health implications of the results of this study?

In another recent study, researchers asked groups of women and men to watch either a highly stressful film about woodshop accidents or a pleasant travelogue. Within the subjects' reach were bowls of salty peanuts, bland rice cakes, and sweet M&M's. The bowls were weighed before and after each session to determine how much of each snack food the subjects consumed. Surprisingly, the researchers found that the subjects who watched the stressful film consumed fewer sweet snacks than did the subjects who watched the nonstressful film. This was true for the entire group of men, and for those women who reported few concerns about dieting and body weight. The only subjects who consumed more sweet snacks in the stressful condition than did those in the nonstressful condition were women who reported being especially conscious of their weight and who had a dietary history of frequent dieting. Stress did not significantly influence the subjects' preferences for salty or bland snack foods.

Why should people have less of an appetite for sweets when they are stressed? Can you think of a possible explanation for this phenomenon, as well as the gender difference in taste sensitivity? How might these results be applied to help dieters?


What sex is YOUR brain? Click HERE

Can you spot a fake smile? Click HERE

What kind of thinker are you? Click HERE

Play the Nervous System Game. Click HERE

MESH AP Psychology Blog

About Me

Miami, FL, United States
I teach AP Psychology, American Government, Economics, American History, World History, and Inquiry Skills at Miami Edison Senior High, where we are "Rising to the Challenge!"