Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Evolution of Man

I came across an interesting image and thought I would share it with you all. We talked about Evolution before in class. While technology has been a great resource to human beings, I wonder if it has made us "dumber." Sometimes I miss the days of blowing into my old dusty Nintendo games (Skate or Die was my favorite)...blowing so hard I accidentally spit in them. I remember when we couldn't even use calculators in math classes, yet nowadays it's expected. What do you think? How was the development of technology over the years impacted human beings? Negatively or positively?


Wesly said...

I think that technology has help us because it makes our lives easier. Imagine if the stove was not invented yet, how would you cook your food or the telephone today most people depend on phones for different purposes.

Ethel V. said...

I do believe that technology has, in a way, made human beings lazy. Nowadays we rely on technology for the slightest thing. However, technology has had a major breakthrough for the essential assets of life [such as medicine: PET scans, etc]. So, in a sense, it really depends on the hands that advanced technology is put in.

mariah said...
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cha-chy said...

Technology helps everyone lives to be easier so we can spend more time doing the things we enjoy than jobs the take all our time...
And plus we need all this technology because many peoples jobs depend on their computer or phone and they and their business would be lost with out it...

tamara1 said...

I think that technology and evolution has a fascinating connection between them. The evolution of man was a intresting period. From the beginning of time they used their intellect to survive throughout the centries. Now-a-days, in the 21st century people tend to rely on technology to do the thinkng for them.

sharon black said...

Technology has given us humans the upper hand in many of the developments today. However, i also believe that We as human beings has become lazy with our minds. We've depended soely on technology which is why finding a genius is so rare to find. I believe that technology has been our friend as far as advancing our lives and the way we live, but also has constricted our brains to minimum use.

faandaD said...

i agree with what is said. technology has taken away from our intellects but at the same time has benefitted us with a lot of advances in the way we live.

batman6 said...

in my opinion i believe that technology has given humans the easy way out in life....

Zaraki Kenpachi said...

well technology is good thats true,over the years it makes doing thing easy but has made us lazy. we no longer want to use our mind or body, like come on people get up and do something with yourself and stop watching tv and eating hot pockets in your mom's basement at the age of 45. P.S thanks technology (you suck).

Tell said...

well i think its mutual because it makes life alot more easier but it makes us lazy and dependant and we lose our survival instinct.

Jimmy_Dean18 said...

I think we have gotten worse with technology.
It has had negative effects on Americans in my opinion. Look at the evolution of Television for example, we used to have to get up and go to the TV to change the channel. Now we have remote control and voice activation. People have Televisions in their bathrooms, cars and kitchens, and almost anywhere else it's compatible. It's caused some people to gain weight, some might that's not true but when you look at the reality of it; it true. Instead of getting up to go change the channel you don't have to now and you can just have your food next to you so you never have to get up. Especially when you have a TV in the kitchen. Now take that and apply it to teens and adults between the ages of 10-18 and 30-37 that watch way more than 5 hours of TV a day. It's ridiculous!

Camille said...

I think that technology has a effected us both positively and negatively. Even though, it's made life easier, it has made the world more lasy and less hard working

Mark Charles said...

I think that technology has impacted us in a positive way because if you look back in the old days you would see many peolpe dying from diseases that could be cured easily today. Technology also protects us from danger for example house alarms, and smoke detectors. We also use it to make our lives easier like microwaves, and water cooling machines.

lovemonkey305 said...

I think technology has impacted humans in both positive and negative ways due to our ever-changing society. It has given us the means to live a more stress free life and has also helped sustain human life longer than it was expected. On the negative side of things it has made humans more dependent on technological functions than the natural power of the mind.

Patreesia D. said...

I totally agree, technology has in a way caused us to become a tad lazy but thats only some individuels. Some individuels let technology run their lives for them and some work alongside technology to not only improve their lives but also the lives of others.

SP said...

Technology has definitely helped humans positively, especially in increasing the knowledge. I couldnt imagine my life if I did not have my computer; I wouldnt have a job, my GPA would be 1.21, and I would be stealing cars (joke). But seriously, the use of computers, especially in the classrooms of younger children, such as 1st graders, is a great resource of information to the world and everything in it. Textbooks can only hold so much information. Computers and new technology help research studies that can aid in curing illnesses, solving crimes, and so much more. If humans abuse technology for uses that are not ethical, then sure, it is a problem, but the majority of us use it as enrichment.

- Steve P.

TOYA said...


sophomore status said...

I believe that technology has affect human beings both positively and negatively. Technology has impacted us positively because it makes life more simplier and easier. The technology that has been develop over the years takes the hard work and labor out of life. Technology has replaced the most effortless things to do. However, technology has impacted human beings negatively because people have become so used to the effortless work that they become lazy and aren't willing to do the hard work and labor. Technology doesn't allow people to think and strips away their intecllectual thoughts.

About Me

Miami, FL, United States
I teach AP Psychology, American Government, Economics, American History, World History, and Inquiry Skills at Miami Edison Senior High, where we are "Rising to the Challenge!"